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A register is a small storage space available as part of the CPU.

Register breakdown

Registers are 32 bits in size and can be referenced as 16 or 8 bits registers. Here is an example:

|<--------------------- 32 bits ----------------------->|
| 1010 | 1001 | 1101 | 1100 | 1000 | 0001 | 1111 | 0101 |
|  A   |  9   |  D   |  C   |  8   |  1   |  F   |  5   |

                            |<-------- 16 bits -------->|
                            | 1000 | 0001 | 1111 | 0101 |
                            |  8   |  1   |  F   |  5   |

                            |<-- 8 bits ->|
                            | 1000 | 0001 |
                            |  8   |  1   |
                                          |<-- 8 bits ->|
                                          | 1111 | 0101 |
                                          |  F   |  5   |

General purpose registers

Extended Accumulator Register (EAX)

          | AH | AL |
          |   AX    |
|        EAX        |
<----- 32 bits ----->
  • EAX generally contains the return of a function. If you see the EAX register just after a function call, chances are that EAX contains the return value of the function.
  • EAX and EDX are always implied in multiplication and division instructions
  • EAX can also be used as a temporary CPU memory for additions:
mov  [ebp+var_4], 0      ; int a = 0
mov  eax, [ebp+var_4]    ; store local variable var_4 in EAX
add  eax, 0Bh            ; add 11 to EAX
mov  [ebp+var_4], eax    ; store new content (11+0) into var_4

Extended Base Register (EBX)

          | BH | BL |
          |   BX    |
|        EBX        |

Extended Counter Register (ECX)

          | CH | CL |
          |   CX    |
|        ECX        |
  • Used as a counter

Extended Data Register (EDX)

          | DH | DL |
          |   DX    |
|        EDX        |

Extended Stack Pointer (ESP)

          |   SP    |
|        ESP        |
  • Points to last item in the stack

Extended Base Pointer (EBP)

          |   BP    | 16 bits
|        EBP        | 32 bits
  • EBP is called the Base Pointer.
  • Used to reference arguments and local variables
  • In the above example, IDA Pro shows that this is an EBP-based stack frame used in the function, which means the local variables and parameters will be referenced via the EBP register throughout the function. Local variables will be at a negative offset relative to EBP and arguments will be at a positive offset:
.text:00403E25 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:00403E25 ; Attributes: bp-based frame
.text:00403E25 ; int __stdcall sub_403E25(int, HDC hdc, HWND hWnd)
.text:00403E25 sub_403E25      proc near               ; CODE XREF: sub_4038EB+149↑p
.text:00403E25                                         ; sub_403F06+27F↓p ...
.text:00403E25 plbrush         = LOGBRUSH ptr -0Ch
.text:00403E25 arg_0           = dword ptr  8
.text:00403E25 hdc             = dword ptr  0Ch
.text:00403E25 hWnd            = dword ptr  10h
.text:00403E25                 push    ebp
.text:00403E26                 mov     ebp, esp
.text:00403E28                 sub     esp, 0Ch
.text:00403E2B                 mov     eax, [ebp+arg_0]
.text:00403E2E                 push    esi
.text:00403E2F                 add     eax, 0FFFFFECDh
.text:00403E34                 cmp     eax, 5
.text:00403E37                 ja      loc_403ECB
.text:00403E3D                 push    0FFFFFFEBh      ; nIndex
.text:00403E3F                 push    [ebp+hWnd]      ; hWnd
.text:00403E42                 call    ds:GetWindowLongA
.text:00403E48                 mov     esi, eax
.text:00403E4A                 test    esi, esi
.text:00403E4C                 jz      short loc_403ECB
.text:00403E4E                 test    byte ptr [esi+14h], 2
.text:00403E52                 mov     eax, [esi]
.text:00403E54                 push    edi
.text:00403E55                 mov     edi, ds:GetSysColor
.text:00403E5B                 jz      short loc_403E60
.text:00403E5D                 push    eax             ; nIndex
.text:00403E5E                 call    edi ; GetSysColor

Extended Source Index (ESI)

          |   SI    |
|        ESI        |
  • Used by memory transfer instructions

Extended Destination Index (EDI)

          |   DI    |
|        EDI        |
  • Used by memory transfer instructions

Extended Instruction Pointer (EIP)

  • Points to instruction to execute next
  • EIP can be affected by the following instructions: CALL, RET and JMP
push  0xdeadbeef    ; push 0xdeadbeef to top of the stack
ret                 ; pops the return address off the stack and set EIP to this value
jmp   0xdeadbeef    ; will set EIP to 0xdeadbeef
call  0xdeadbeef    ; similar to jmp

Segment registers

CS (Code Segement)

  • Default segment register when fetching instructions

SS (Stack Segment)

  • Default segment register for accessing data with the ESP register

DS (Data Segment)

  • Default segment register for accessing data with the ESI and EDI regsiters


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Status register


  • The FLAGS/EFLAGS register is a 32 bit long string where each flag represents 1 bit (0 or 1). For a detailed list of FLAGS and EFLAGS, refer to the this link.
  • Following flags are the most common ones for malware analysis.

CF (Carry Flag)

Only has a meaning for unsigned numbers. The Carry Flag (CF) is set (1) when the result of an operation is too large or to small for the destination operand. Otherwise, it is cleared (0).

Example: CF = 1 in these cases:

  • The carry flag is set if the addition of two numbers causes a carry out of the most significant (leftmost) bits added.
      | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
+     | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
= | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
    +---> CF = 1
  • The carry (borrow) flag is also set if the subtraction of two numbers requires a borrow into the most significant (leftmost) bits subtracted.
  0000 - 0001 = 1111 (carry flag is turned on)

Otherwise, the carry flag is turned off (zero).

0111 + 0001 = 1000 (carry flag is turned off [zero])
1000 - 0001 = 0111 (carry flag is turned off [zero])
  • In unsigned arithmetic, watch the carry flag to detect errors.
  • In signed arithmetic, the carry flag tells you nothing interesting.

PF (Parity Flag)

The parity flag (PF) indicates if the number of set bits is even (e.g. 2, 4, 6, ...) or odd (1, 3, 5, ...) in the binary representation of the low 8 bits of the result of the last operation.

For example:

Result of
last operation
In binary Parity Flag (PF) Comments
26 00011010 0 Number of set bits is odd
102 01100110 1 Number of set bits is even

AF (Adjust Flag)

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ZF (Zero Flag)

The Zero Flag (ZF) is set (1) when the result of an operation is zero. Otherwise, it is cleared (0).

SF (Sign Flag)

The Sign Flag (SF) is set (1) when the result of an operation is negative. Otherwise (positive result), it is cleared (0).

TF (Trap Flag)

The Trap Flag (TF) is used for debugging. When set (1), the x86 processor will execute only one instruction at a time.

IF (Interrupt enable flag)

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DF (Direction Flag)

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OF (Overflow Flag)

The Overflow Flag (OF) has only a meaning for signed numbers. It will be set:

  • if the result of 2 positive numbers results in a negative number
  • or if the sum of 2 negative numbers result in a positive number.

Below is an example of the sum of 2 positive numbers (bit sign is 0). It results in a negative number (bit sign is 1). In this case, the overflow flag will be set.

               │ 31 30 29 28 │ 27 26 25 24 │ 23 22 21 20 │ 19 18 17 16 │ 15 14 13 12 │ 11 10 09 08 │ 07 06 05 04 │ 03 02 01 00 │ 
│ carry        │  1  1  1  0 │  0  0  0  0 │  0  0  0  0 │  0  0  0  0 │  0  0  0  0 │  0  0  0  0 │  0  0  0  0 │  0  0  0    │ 	
│   0x7020470F │  0  1  1  1 │  0  0  0  0 │  0  0  1  0 │  0  0  0  0 │  0  1  0  0 │  0  1  1  1 │  0  0  0  0 │  1  1  1  1 │
│ + 0x10000000 │  0  0  0  1 │  0  0  0  0 │  0  0  0  0 │  0  0  0  0 │  0  0  0  0 │  0  0  0  0 │  0  0  0  0 │  0  0  0  0 │
│ = 0x8020470f │  1  0  0  0 │  0  0  0  0 │  0  0  1  0 │  0  0  0  0 │  0  1  0  0 │  0  1  1  1 │  0  0  0  0 │  1  1  1  1 │
               │       8     │      0      │       2     │      0      │      4      │       7     │      0      │       F     │

Here are examples where the overflow flag will be turned off:

0100 + 0001 = 0101
0110 + 1001 = 1111
1000 + 0001 = 1001
1100 + 1100 = 1000
