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Challenge 1


The first level can be downloaded here. It is a Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor archive. All you need to do is to launch the executable, accept the EULA and choose a destination folder where the executable to analyze will be uncompressed.

The uncompressed file name is i_am_happy_you_are_to_playing_the_flareon_challenge.exe.

MD5 7c0f16de595ae03e2928d3fa6b73b235
SHA1 150e2be31483d1d7942bb0727479cc493d3e85d3
SHA256 5d35789ac904bc5f4639119391ad1078f267a157ca153f2906f05df94e557e11

The executable imports following functions from kernel32.dll:

When we open the executable into IDA-Pro, we get a message that could be an indication that the executable is packed. However, it is not and we can easily locate the cross reference to the strings "You are success" and "You are failure":

Code analysis

The user input is read by ReadFile at offset 0x401045 and saved to a buffer (byte_402158):

.text:0040103A push    eax                  ; lpNumberOfBytesRead
.text:0040103B push    32h                  ; nNumberOfBytesToRead
.text:0040103D push    offset byte_402158   ; lpBuffer
.text:00401042 push    [ebp+var_C]          ; hFile
.text:00401045 call    ReadFile             ; Read user input

Then, there is a loop that reads each character of this buffer and XOR's them with the key 0x7D

.text:0040104B                 xor     ecx, ecx             ; Set ECX to 0 (counter)
.text:0040104D loc_40104D:
.text:0040104D                 mov     al, byte_402158[ecx] ; Save character of user input to AL
.text:00401053                 xor     al, 7Dh              ; XOR's character with 0x7D
.text:00401055                 cmp     al, byte_402140[ecx] ; Compare XOR result with expected value at byte_402140[ecx]
.text:0040105B                 jnz     short loc_40107B     ; if not equal, exit loop
.text:0040105D                 inc     ecx                  ; increment counter
.text:0040105E                 cmp     ecx, 18h             ; Loop thru 24 characters

And below is the content of the expected values:

.data:00402140 byte_402140     db 1Fh
.data:00402141                 db    8
.data:00402142                 db  13h
.data:00402143                 db  13h
.data:00402144                 db    4
.data:00402145                 db  22h ; "
.data:00402146                 db  0Eh
.data:00402147                 db  11h
.data:00402148                 db  4Dh ; M
.data:00402149                 db  0Dh
.data:0040214A                 db  18h
.data:0040214B                 db  3Dh ; =
.data:0040214C                 db  1Bh
.data:0040214D                 db  11h
.data:0040214E                 db  1Ch
.data:0040214F                 db  0Fh
.data:00402150                 db  18h
.data:00402151                 db  50h ; P
.data:00402152                 db  12h
.data:00402153                 db  13h
.data:00402154                 db  53h ; S
.data:00402155                 db  1Eh
.data:00402156                 db  12h
.data:00402157                 db  10h

Script and solution

Here is the script I've written to solve this challenge:

#!/usr/bin/env python
s = [0x1F,0x8,0x13,0x13,0x4,0x22,0x0E,0x11,0x4D,0x0D,0x18,0x3D,0x1B,0x11,0x1C,0x0F,0x18,0x50,0x12,0x13,0x53,0x1E,0x12,0x10]
print ''.join([chr(i ^ 0x7d) for i in s])

Execute it to solve this challenge:

$ ./ 
[email protected]

Just send a mail to this email address and you will receive the following answer along with a 728 bytes attachment:

Congrats! I've attached the next challenge for your reversing pleasure. The password to this zip archive is "flare".

This challenge looks a lot like the last one so hopefully you'll knock this one out too, Good luck!



Keywords: reverse-engineering challenge flare fireeye