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Description is a script, written in Python, that I wrote in the shape of forensicscontest (puzzle #4). It enables to analyse a pcap file and to produce statistics about potential portscans. Here is a list of available statistics:

  • General information: pcap md5sum, number of packets, capture duration, ...
  • Discovered hosts: list of identified hosts with mac addr. and vendors
  • Scan types: List of detected scan types (TCP SYN, CONNECT, XMAS, UDP, ...)
  • Hosts/targets: List of flows between attackers and targets
  • IP options (utilisation of fragmentation)
  • TCP and UDP ports status (open, closed, filtered, unfiltered)
  • Detailed frames: show
  • Distributions by frame/time of some parameters (sport, IP length, IPID, TTL, dport, seq, ack, ...)

Some screen captures are available here:

Architecture works with conjunction of PHP/MySQL. The following figure explains how it works:

[1] A capture is realized with a tool (e.g. tcpdump) capable of providing a pcap file.

[2] analyses provided pcap file. It looks for mac's vendor [3] and stores results in a MySQL database [4].

[5] It generates a html report. From this report, you can access to Web Interfaces (WI) [6] [7] [8] if you have Apache/PHP installed.

[6] From the WI, you can access [6] Host IPID distribution by clicking on a host from the "Discovered Hosts" section (report.html).

[7] The distribution analysis is also available by clicking on "Scan distrib. charact." from the "Scan types" section (report.html)

[8] From report.html, if you click on a scan type (Scan types section) or on a port status (TCP and UDP ports analysis sections), the list of appropriate frames are displayed.


See/Download complete source code at Google code:

If you don't plan to use the Web Interfaces, you just need a functional MySQL database, a valid oui.txt file (can be downloaded from IEEE Standards Association: and required Python libraries:

  • optparse
  • sys
  • shutil
  • pcapy
  • impacket
  • os
  • MySQLdb
  • datetime
  • struct
  • hashlib

Use provided pyscan.sql script to initialize your database. If needed, modify following variables from line 38 in

DBHOST = ''    # Host to connect to
DBUSER = 'pyscan'       # User name to connect to database
DBPSWD = 'pyscan'       # Password to connect to database
DBNAME = 'pyscan'       # Database name

To use Web Interfaces, you will also have to modify line 42:

BASEWB = 'http://localhost/pyscan' # Base path for pyscan web interface
                                   # Don't put / at the end of the path
                                   # e.g. http://localhost/pyscan

If you have multiple websites on Apache, you can add a virtual directory in your httpd.conf (depending on your configuration, it is sometimes in extra/httpd-vhosts.conf). Refer to following URL for more information:

Usage can be called with following basic syntax:

$ ./pyScanXtract -r evidence04.pcap

Here are available options:

-h, --help
   Show help message and exit

-r <PCAP_FILE>, --read-file=<PCAP_FILE>
   Capture file to process (pcap format)

   Reporting directory (default: ./report/) where report.html will be

-f, --force
   Force overwriting of files. Use if an already existing report directory

-v <OUI_FILE>, --vendor-database=<OUI_FILE>
   Vendor database (default: ./oui.txt). This file can be downloaded from

-d, --dont-purge
   Don't purge existing data in the database. Default behavior is to first
   TRUNCATE pyscan table.

Once finished, will produce a report in HTML format, available in report directory. Open it in your browser.

History and TODO


Version Date Description
1.1 2010-03-27 Window size added
1.0 2010-02-14 Initial rev.


  • The script is based on a flow analysis. If many scans use the same combination of src:sport/dst:dport, they may not be detected.
  • Window/Maimon scans are not detected by the script
  • Script is quite slow.
  • Open question: is there any way to make the difference between a TCP SYN scan and TCP Connect() when ports are all CLOSED?