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The EPROCESS structure is an opaque structure that serves as the process object for a process.
typedef struct _EPROCESS { KPROCESS Pcb; EX_PUSH_LOCK ProcessLock; LARGE_INTEGER CreateTime; LARGE_INTEGER ExitTime; EX_RUNDOWN_REF RundownProtect; PVOID UniqueProcessId; LIST_ENTRY ActiveProcessLinks; ULONG QuotaUsage[3]; ULONG QuotaPeak[3]; ULONG CommitCharge; ULONG PeakVirtualSize; ULONG VirtualSize; LIST_ENTRY SessionProcessLinks; PVOID DebugPort; union { PVOID ExceptionPortData; ULONG ExceptionPortValue; ULONG ExceptionPortState: 3; }; PHANDLE_TABLE ObjectTable; EX_FAST_REF Token; ULONG WorkingSetPage; EX_PUSH_LOCK AddressCreationLock; PETHREAD RotateInProgress; PETHREAD ForkInProgress; ULONG HardwareTrigger; PMM_AVL_TABLE PhysicalVadRoot; PVOID CloneRoot; ULONG NumberOfPrivatePages; ULONG NumberOfLockedPages; PVOID Win32Process; PEJOB Job; PVOID SectionObject; PVOID SectionBaseAddress; _EPROCESS_QUOTA_BLOCK * QuotaBlock; _PAGEFAULT_HISTORY * WorkingSetWatch; PVOID Win32WindowStation; PVOID InheritedFromUniqueProcessId; PVOID LdtInformation; PVOID VadFreeHint; PVOID VdmObjects; PVOID DeviceMap; PVOID EtwDataSource; PVOID FreeTebHint; union { HARDWARE_PTE PageDirectoryPte; UINT64 Filler; }; PVOID Session; UCHAR ImageFileName[16]; LIST_ENTRY JobLinks; PVOID LockedPagesList; LIST_ENTRY ThreadListHead; PVOID SecurityPort; PVOID PaeTop; ULONG ActiveThreads; ULONG ImagePathHash; ULONG DefaultHardErrorProcessing; LONG LastThreadExitStatus; PPEB Peb; EX_FAST_REF PrefetchTrace; LARGE_INTEGER ReadOperationCount; LARGE_INTEGER WriteOperationCount; LARGE_INTEGER OtherOperationCount; LARGE_INTEGER ReadTransferCount; LARGE_INTEGER WriteTransferCount; LARGE_INTEGER OtherTransferCount; ULONG CommitChargeLimit; ULONG CommitChargePeak; PVOID AweInfo; SE_AUDIT_PROCESS_CREATION_INFO SeAuditProcessCreationInfo; MMSUPPORT Vm; LIST_ENTRY MmProcessLinks; ULONG ModifiedPageCount; ULONG Flags2; ULONG JobNotReallyActive: 1; ULONG AccountingFolded: 1; ULONG NewProcessReported: 1; ULONG ExitProcessReported: 1; ULONG ReportCommitChanges: 1; ULONG LastReportMemory: 1; ULONG ReportPhysicalPageChanges: 1; ULONG HandleTableRundown: 1; ULONG NeedsHandleRundown: 1; ULONG RefTraceEnabled: 1; ULONG NumaAware: 1; ULONG ProtectedProcess: 1; ULONG DefaultPagePriority: 3; ULONG PrimaryTokenFrozen: 1; ULONG ProcessVerifierTarget: 1; ULONG StackRandomizationDisabled: 1; ULONG Flags; ULONG CreateReported: 1; ULONG NoDebugInherit: 1; ULONG ProcessExiting: 1; ULONG ProcessDelete: 1; ULONG Wow64SplitPages: 1; ULONG VmDeleted: 1; ULONG OutswapEnabled: 1; ULONG Outswapped: 1; ULONG ForkFailed: 1; ULONG Wow64VaSpace4Gb: 1; ULONG AddressSpaceInitialized: 2; ULONG SetTimerResolution: 1; ULONG BreakOnTermination: 1; ULONG DeprioritizeViews: 1; ULONG WriteWatch: 1; ULONG ProcessInSession: 1; ULONG OverrideAddressSpace: 1; ULONG HasAddressSpace: 1; ULONG LaunchPrefetched: 1; ULONG InjectInpageErrors: 1; ULONG VmTopDown: 1; ULONG ImageNotifyDone: 1; ULONG PdeUpdateNeeded: 1; ULONG VdmAllowed: 1; ULONG SmapAllowed: 1; ULONG ProcessInserted: 1; ULONG DefaultIoPriority: 3; ULONG SparePsFlags1: 2; LONG ExitStatus; WORD Spare7; union { struct { UCHAR SubSystemMinorVersion; UCHAR SubSystemMajorVersion; }; WORD SubSystemVersion; }; UCHAR PriorityClass; MM_AVL_TABLE VadRoot; ULONG Cookie; ALPC_PROCESS_CONTEXT AlpcContext; } EPROCESS, *PEPROCESS;
EPROCESS structures are linked through a doubly-linked list:
Each entry in the EPROCESS list points to both the entry before and the entry after in the list. The list allows tools such as Task Manager to quickly display the currently-active processes.
Dump structure in WinDbg
kd> dt nt!_EPROCESS