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  • Often malware has keylogging capabilities that give the ability to steal sensitive information (passwords, credit card numbers, ...) and send it to a remote controler.
  • Very often, a local file is also created to save the stolen information.
  • Two common techniques are used:


This method is based on the DLL injection technique using SetWindowsHookEx.

Below is an extract from a worm named "Worm:Win32/Autorun.AHA" available for download here (pass: infected).

Intercept keyboard messages:

.text:004121A8                 push    0               ; dwThreadId
.text:004121AA                 mov     eax, dword_475394
.text:004121AF                 mov     ecx, [eax+28h]
.text:004121B2                 push    ecx             ; hmod
.text:004121B3                 push    offset fn       ; lpfn
.text:004121B8                 push    WH_KEYBOARD_LL  ; idHook (Initial value: 0x0D [hex] = 13 [decimal])
.text:004121BA                 call    ds:SetWindowsHookExA

Intercept mouse messages:

.text:00414508                 push    0               ; dwThreadId
.text:0041450A                 mov     eax, dword_475394
.text:0041450F                 mov     ecx, [eax+28h]
.text:00414512                 push    ecx             ; hmod
.text:00414513                 push    offset sub_4143C0 ; lpfn
.text:00414518                 push    WH_MOUSE_LL     ; idHook (Initial value: 0x0E [hex] = 14 [decimal])
.text:0041451A                 call    ds:SetWindowsHookExA

This trojan creates a text file where keystrokes are logged.


Extract from spybot keylogger assembly code:

.text:004032D9 loc_4032D9:
.text:004032D9                 push    10h             ; nVirtKey (SHIFT key)
.text:004032DB                 call    GetKeyState
.text:004032E0                 mov     edi, eax
.text:004032E2                 movsx   edi, di
.text:004032E5                 mov     [ebp+var_8], edi
.text:004032E8                 mov     edi, [ebp+var_4]
.text:004032EB                 mov     ebx, vKey[edi*4]
.text:004032F2                 push    ebx             ; vKey
.text:004032F3                 call    GetAsyncKeyState
.text:004032F8                 mov     edi, eax
.text:004032FA                 movsx   edi, di
.text:004032FD                 test    di, 8000h
.text:00403302                 jz      short loc_403382

The first function (GetKeyState) checks if the SHIFT key (0x10) is depressed. This way, the program will be able to identify upper case letters, numbers and some special characters.

Then the GetAsyncKeyState is called in a loop, starting at address 0x40320D and ending at 0x40358D with a conditional jump (see below screenshot, keys are checked every 8 milliseconds), examining the status of each key.


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Pages in category "Digital-Forensics/Information-stealing-malware/Keyloggers"

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