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Armitage is a graphical frontend for Metasploit that shows targets and recommends exploits. Armitage aims at simplifying the usage of Metasploit.



To be able to use Armitage, following prerequisites must be installed:

To be able to use a MySQL database, you will also need the Ruby MySQL drivers:

$ sudo apt-get install libdbd-mysql-ruby1.8 libmysql-ruby1.8

Installation of Armitage

$ cd /data/src/
$ wget
$ tar xf armitage011311.tgz
$ mkdir -p /pentest/exploits/
$ mv armitage/ /pentest/exploits/

Creation of a MySQL database

We must now create a MySQL database.

$ mysql -u root -p
mysql> CREATE USER msf3@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'test';
mysql> CREATE DATABASE msf3;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON msf3.* TO msf3@localhost;


Start Metasploit RPC daemon

To start Metasploit RPC daemon, issue following commands:

$ cd /pentest/exploits/framework3/
$ ./msfrpcd -f -U msf3 -P msf3password -t Basic

Msfrpcd options are:

-a <ip>
Bind to given IP address
-p <port>
Bind to given port
Default: 55553
-U <user>
Specify the username to access msfrpcd
-P <password>
Specify the password to access msfrpcd
-t <type>
Server type (Basic|Web)
-u <url>
URI for Web server
Disable SSL on the XMLRPC socket
Default: false
Run the daemon in the foreground
Default: false
Help banner

Connect to Metasploit with Armitage

Start Armitage:

$ cd /pentest/exploits/armitage/
$ ./

Then fill in the screen as follows:

By clicking on "Connect", you should be able to get Armitage welcome screen:



Following example shows how to exploit a MS022-067 vulnerability against a WINXP box with Armitage.

The complete tutorial is available on Youtube:

Start Metasploit MSFRPCD daemon and Armitage

In a first terminal, open a msfrpcd daemon to enable Armitage to communicate with Metasploit:

$ cd /pentest/exploits/framework3/
$ ./msfrpcd -f -U msf -P test -t Basic

In a second terminal, start Armitage:

$ cd /pentest/exploits/armitage/
$ ./armitage

Fill in the connection string and click on "Connect".

Scan the network (smb)

This step enables to discover *vulnerable* hosts on a network.

From the left panel (in Armitage), select auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_version.

Fill in the required information as follows:

  • RHOSTS: Modify this value to fit with the network to scan
  • SMBDomain: Default value: WORKGROUP. Modify if you are on a different domain or workgroup.
  • SMBPass: if known. Else, leave blank.
  • SMBUser: if known. Else, leave blank.
  • THREADS: Default value: 24. Increase/decrease depending on the quality of the network.

Click on "Launch" to start the discovery. Discovered hosts are automatically added to the central panel.

Find attacks

Once you have discovered a potential vulnerable host, from Armitage menu, click on Attacks/Find Attacks/by port. Wait for a while, you should then be alerted by such a popup:

Exploit vulnerability

Once the assessment is complete, a new contextual menu (Attack) should be available (right click on the host) for vulnerable hosts. From this menu, select Attack/smb/ms08_067_netapi.

Fill in the information as follows:

  • LHOST: Local host. Set with your local IP address
  • LPORT: Local port. Leave default value unless you need to change it.
  • RHOST: Target host IP address
  • RPORT: Port to use for the attack. Leave 445.
  • SMBPIPE: Leave default value (BROWSER)
  • Targets: Eventually use this dropdown list to specify the host but automatic targeting should be fine.

Click on "Launch".

If the attack succeeds, vulnerable hosts should become red, surounded with thunders.

From contextual menu (right click on the host), select Meterpreter 1/Interact/Meterpreter shell. You have a shell on the machine!


Keywords: armitage redteam exploitation cobaltstrike cobalt strike