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Dns2tcp is a tool for relaying TCP connections over DNS. Among other things, it can be used to bypass captive portals (e.g. hotels, airport, ...) when only port 53/udp is allowed by the firewall. Here is how we are going to use it:

  1. the client starts dns2tcpc (dns2tcp client) and requires the remote ssh resource (-r ssh) through local port 2222/tcp (-l 2222). It encapsulates the TCP traffic into fake DNS requests. Then, it opens a SOCKS proxy on port 1080 through the previously created tunnel.
  2. the fake DNS requests are delegated to the remote dns2tcp server that decapsulates the fake requests…
  3. and send the request to the requested resource.
  4. The response is sent to the remote dns2tcp server…
  5. ...that encapsulates it into fake DNS responses
  6. the client decapsulates the fake DNS response and serves the HTTP response.


Prior to what follows, you will need:

  • a domain name (e.g. aldeid.com)
  • a NS record (e.g. dns2tcp) on your domain name that points to the public name of your dns2tcp public server (you can achieve this using no-ip.org).

Here is an example:

dns2tcp    IN   NS aldeid.no-ip.org.

with aldeid.no-ip.org being the name of the dns2tcp public server.


From sources

It will install the latest version available at the time of this writing: v0.5.2. I have successfully compiled dns2tcp from sources on Ubuntu Server 11.04 32bits and Mac OS X 10.7.

$ cd /usr/local/src/
$ wget http://hsc.fr/ressources/outils/dns2tcp/download/dns2tcp-0.5.2.tar.gz
$ tar xzvf dns2tcp-0.5.2.tar.gz
$ cd dns2tcp-0.5.2/
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

apt linux packages

It will install version 0.5.1.

$ sudo apt-get install dns2tcp


It will install version 0.4.

$ sudo port install dns2tcp




Help Menu
Run in foreground
-i <IP address>
IP address to bind (default
-f <config file>
Configuration file to use
-p <pidfile>
File where our pid will be written
-d <debug level>
Change debug level. Levels available are 1, 2 or 3.


Create a configuration file in your home directory as follows:

$ cat ~/.dns2tcpdrc
listen =
port = 53
chroot = /var/empty/dns2tcp/
pid_file = /var/run/dns2tcp.pid
domain = dns2tcp.aldeid.com
key = oopsoops
resources = ssh:

Start dns2tcpd

To test that the server works fine:

$ sudo dns2tcpd -F -d 3 -f ~/.dns2tcpdrc
15:14:57 : Debug options.c:97	Add resource ssh: port 22
15:14:57 : Debug socket.c:55	Listening on for domain dns2tcp.aldeid.com
Starting Server v0.5.2...
15:14:57 : Debug main.c:132	Chroot to /var/empty/dns2tcp/
13:14:57 : Debug main.c:142	Change to user nobody

To start the dns2tcpd server as a daemon:

$ sudo dns2tcpd -d 1 -f ~/.dns2tcpdrc



Syntax: dns2tcpc -z <dns2tcp_server> [options] [server]
Help Menu
Enable DNS compression. When used, be sure that all relay and DNS server support compression and really use it.
-z <domain zone>
Use this domain as endpoint.
-d <debug level>
Change debug level. Levels available are 1, 2 or 3.
-r <resource>
Remote resource to access.
-k <key>
Pre shared key used for authentication (identification).
-f <config file>
Configuration file to use.
-T <request type>
Request type to use. Actually only KEY and TXT requests are supported.
-e <command>
Command to execute, I/O are redirected in the tunnel.
-l <local_port>
Local port accepting incomming connections (or - for stdin on UNIX systems).
-t <connection timeout>
Maximum DNS server's answer delay in seconds. A valid delay is between 1 and 240 seconds. Default is 3.
DNS server to use. The first entry in resolv.conf file will be choosen if the server is not specified.


Create a .dns2tcprc in your home directory as follows:

$ cat ~/.dns2tcprc
domain = dns2tcp.aldeid.com
resource = ssh
local_port = 2222
key = oopsoops
# server = my_dns

Start dns2tcpc

First check available resources:

$ dns2tcpc -z dns2tcp.aldeid.com -d 3 -k oopsoops
No DNS given, using (first entry found in resolv.conf)
debug level 3
Debug socket.c:233	Create socket for dns : '' 
Debug session.c:46	Request challenge
Debug requests.c:146	Sending dns id = 0x7238
Debug requests.c:95	Query is AAAAAKTfAA.=auth.tunnel.aldeid.com len 34
Debug rr.c:106	rr_decode_next_reply_encode base64 data was = IggAAKTfAFNXMDBFOTBOS045RUQwUk8 (reply len = 34)
Debug session.c:53	Challenge = 'SW00E90NKN9ED0RO'
17:14:10 : Debug session.c:54	Session created (0x822)
Debug session.c:77	Sending response : 'A88484E228BCCA3330705E2B20ADEBC33A0292FD' (key = PlRtSpA#123) 
Debug requests.c:146	Sending dns id = 0xa40
Debug requests.c:95	Query is IgiBgAABAEE4ODQ4NEUyMjhCQ0NBMzMzMDcwNUUyQjIwQURFQkMzM0EwMjkyRkQ.=auth.tunnel.aldeid.com len 87
Debug rr.c:106	rr_decode_next_reply_encode base64 data was = IgiBgAABAA (reply len = 13)
17:14:10 : Debug auth.c:58	Requesting resource
Debug requests.c:146	Sending dns id = 0x1d26
Debug requests.c:95	Query is IghVV2GiAA.=resource.tunnel.aldeid.com len 38
Available connection(s) : 
Debug rr.c:106	rr_decode_next_reply_encode base64 data was = e7eduWO3AHNzaA (reply len = 17)

Note : Compression SEEMS available !

Select a resource and open a connection as follows:

$ dns2tcpc -z dns2tcp.aldeid.com -k oopsoops -r ssh -l 2222
Listening on port : 2222

Now ensure the connection will be encrypted:

$ ssh [email protected] -p 2222 -D 8080

The above command will create a SOCKS5 proxy that we will use to configure our browser:
